Recently Axel and Maggie have become best playmates. They chase each other around the house laughing hysterically. Maggie likes to do everything Axel likes to do, and Axel make's sure Maggie's included. He often becomes ferociously concerned when Maggie's not walking fast enough and I walk ahead. He runs in front of me and puts his hands out so I can't go and says, "Get Maggie, Get Maggie!"
She's most beautiful in chocolate.
Axel got Magnetics from Grandma Tena a month and a half ago, and he still plays with them every day. Thanks Tene!
Dad loves to make smoothies and the kids love making messes with them
Paul had a welcome picnic for his anesthesia residency. They had a big blow-up slide for the kids. Axel was the reddest and sweatiest kid there.
Lucy is a darling and we are crazy about her, especially when she's sleeping.
Doesn't she look smart?!
Axel took this picture actually. I love those surprise pictures when we download pics to the computer. Paul had sexy facial hair until the residential powers that be made him shave. They said they can't do a respirator fitting with a beard. Seems silly to me. At least he still has his head shape. Paul has the best head shape. He's given our kids nice round heads. I supply them with nice round bellies and excellent grammar. In fact Paul's getting a nice round belly too.
Paul's round belly is coming just in time for the summer cabin trip with the Reynolds. Paul is naturally thin. Add to that his disdain for overeating, and he's likely to never be overweight. Ever. A common conversation between us:
Alisha: Can I get you some more mashed potatoes?
Paul: I'm good, thanks.
Alisha: You barely had anything.
Paul: I had a lot. I'm full. Plus you know how it is when you don't eat for a while and your stomach shrinks so then you can't eat as much.
Alisha: That makes perfect sense. You haven't eaten for a long time and are starving so you don't need to eat much to get full. Don't you need more calories to make up for the lost ones?
Paul: Alisha, do you want me to overeat?
Alisha: Yes, just a little.
Paul: You know, they did a study on rats and the underfed rats lived significantly longer lives.
Alisha: You've told me about that study a billion times. Paul you are not a rat and you need more dinner. Axel ate more than you.
Paul: Now you're being ridiculous.
When we go home to see Paul's family I try especially hard to fatten him up, so everyone thinks I'm a good cook and a good wife. Almost every time we go home, some loving mother/grandmother/aunt says to me in hushed tones, "Paul looks thinner. Is he thinner?" They're concerned. And rightfully so, I'm concerned too. "No, he's not thinner, he's the same weight he's been for the last 4 years, you're just not used to seeing him." This is Marco. Most people reading this blog know Marco. She is the witty and charming matriarch of the Callister family. My work will be well rewarded when she one day asks me, "Alisha, is Paul fatter? What are you feeding him? Maybe you should put him on a diet." Marco, I add extra cream to the mashed potatoes for you.
June 29, 2008
June 14, 2008
Camping and Fishing
Alisha and I took the kids down near Chattanooga for a little camping/fishing/whitewater rapids fun. We went with our friends the Neiderhauser's and the Mizukawa's.
The kids were awesome and the rapids were amazing.
No, we didn't take the kids rafting, we took turns -- the girls went while the guys watched kids, and then vice versa.
June 9, 2008
I went to the SEA (Society for Education in Anesthesia) conference in Miami over the weekend to present some research.
Here is my Kia Optima rental car. I told them that it looked like a REAL nice Kia (wink wink), and they let me drive off the lot. Their mistake, my benefit.
Here is what my face looked like when I drove the car. By the way, I got in real late the first night and had to get up at 5 AM, and that is when I took this picture. Hence the puffy eyes.
And here is my poster. I know, I look retarded in the picture. It's excusable -- I have 3 kids now. I'm practically an old man. By the way, check out the gang sign I am throwing with my right hand.
Here is my Kia Optima rental car. I told them that it looked like a REAL nice Kia (wink wink), and they let me drive off the lot. Their mistake, my benefit.
Here is what my face looked like when I drove the car. By the way, I got in real late the first night and had to get up at 5 AM, and that is when I took this picture. Hence the puffy eyes.
And here is my poster. I know, I look retarded in the picture. It's excusable -- I have 3 kids now. I'm practically an old man. By the way, check out the gang sign I am throwing with my right hand.
June 1, 2008
A few randoms
Louisa/Lucy/Lou is a great sleeper.
I took the kids on errands with me and we shopped till they dropped.
One of the few times she has had her eyes open. She is still just sleeping and eating, eating and sleeping.
Paul told me he would get up and take care of Axel and Maggie so I could sleep in. I heard thumping and noisy toys followed by, "Axel, don't jump on me I'm trying to sleep." After about 20 minutes of that, all was quiet upstairs. Which made me nervous enough to investigate. I found Paul sleeping on the couch, and decided that a man this tired deserves to sleep in. I gave him Lucy so he wouldn't have to feel guilty about it.
Sometimes it's easier to see what someone looks like in video, so we took a little one of Lucy.
I took the kids on errands with me and we shopped till they dropped.
One of the few times she has had her eyes open. She is still just sleeping and eating, eating and sleeping.
Paul told me he would get up and take care of Axel and Maggie so I could sleep in. I heard thumping and noisy toys followed by, "Axel, don't jump on me I'm trying to sleep." After about 20 minutes of that, all was quiet upstairs. Which made me nervous enough to investigate. I found Paul sleeping on the couch, and decided that a man this tired deserves to sleep in. I gave him Lucy so he wouldn't have to feel guilty about it.
Sometimes it's easier to see what someone looks like in video, so we took a little one of Lucy.