Well, I've been waiting until something blogworthy happens in my life, to post. It's been a while since I posted. I have come to the conclusion that my life is pretty mundane. But I'm still happy. I think that's a skill. Being happy with a mundane life. That may be a more useful skill than blogging even. But don't go pitying me, there are occasional colorful bursts of excitement. Like this morning. I had to go to the dreaded stake primary training meeting. I usually go with joy, but this meeting happens to fall on our 5 year anniversary - today. So I went with cranky obedience. I put Maggie in the nursery, and took Lucy with me to the meeting. Of course she got hungry immediately, no problem, get out the trusty feeding blanket. 5 minutes later I feel warm goopiness. Oh no. I take a look. I'm dealing not only with a blowout, but with a nasty puddle of little Lucy BM cupped in my skirt. How do you even manuvre around this kind of a situation. Well, long story short, I got out of the meeting. I figure it was like a little anniversary present from Heavenly Father to me. Unfortunately I'm the one who has to do the laundry involved with the present.
So now I'm home with my two girls asleep, Paul and Axel at a birthday party. And I'm thinking of all I have to do:
clean the kitchen
laundry - 3 loads and I already did 5 loads this week
plan for tomorrows singing time in primary
clean up all the things I threw into the storage part of basement when I cleaned the house for a showing yesterday with 1 hour notice
prep the chicken for Sunday dinner
and all the things on my dream list:
finish the frame I'm making
sew some slings for dear friends
cut out a dress to sew
get a haircut (it's been a while)
do crunches until I get a marathon runner tummy (I keep hoping I don't actually have to run a marathon to get that tummy)
watch an episode of Arrested Development - Paul and I started watching them on hulu
take a nap
With any luck, I'll get two of the things on my have to do list done today. I could probably do more, but I'm choosing to blog right now. I keep thinking if get some sort of awesome system down for the kids they'll be able to practically take care of themselves and I can get all of my chores done on one day - like a preparation day - and then I'll have the other 5 days to devote to my hobbies. So far I have devised many failing systems. I've tried the pretend-your-kids-aren't- there-system. Usually ends in yelling at the kids and I feel guilty. I've tried the pretend-I-don't-have-chores system, which usually ends up in a hungry family and a husband who looks exhausted by the mess in our home. I've tried involving my kids in my hobbies, but that usually ends up in all of the pins stuck in my bed, all my fabric unfolded and thrown around the room (I have A LOT of fabric), me moving all the cans of harmful wood finishing chemicals out of reach so many times it seems as if my job is actually to move cans. I've tried the doing-my-hobbies-only-when-the-kids-are-sleeping, but I can never seem to get all the work done I'm supposed to while they're awake and we get the yelling/guilt conundrum going on again. I have come to the conclusion that perhaps there is no such system and I should instead teach myself to be content with taking care of kids, house, and husband. (Thank goodness we have no pets!) I'm sure as we have more kids, I will have less free time. We want 7. We want 7? Ask me at 5 if we want 7. I think we do. Anyway, I always tell myself, "You can't have kids and then expect them to raise themselves." So I am learning to be happy with the mundane, and I think that is a useful skill. Plus my husband is hilarious and hot and super fun to be with and I love to make his life just as good as he makes mine. And my kids are loving. They love me. Is there anything sweeter than two small sticky hands on your cheeks and a little face so close to yours your eyes can't quite focus on it, and a small voice that can't enunciate all the words telling you with peanut butter breath, "Mom, you have my heart". Yes, Axel does say that to me. But I did teach it to him, as a survival skill. It completely melts me. Sewing can't do that. So here are some videos of my perfect mundane life.
Sorry the sound isn't that great.The last word is 'hassle'. Get your mind out of the gutter.