November 21, 2008


Thank you Jen and Annie for this memorable photo.

I saw Twilight last night. It was fun. Edward was much more attractive than I had expected from the previews. Good girls movie. I may even read book #2. Someone in our stake reserved a theater; more than 500 women (and a few men) showed up. The theater even let us in early at 10:00. There was lots of screaming and howling when Edward entered, and it made me miss being a teenager, with all its forbidden passion, and o so distant and unknown future. I don't often miss being a teenager.
In high school my friends and I would go to 'town' and find all sorts of things to do. Once I ran with Marshal Wiebe across a train bridge that was really really long. We actually only made it half way and then I chickened out, and we ran back. On New Years of 1997, I was at a church dance where my virgin lips kissed about 8 handsome strangers. My friends and I had a competition to see who could kiss the most. What hoochies! My first date ever was a octodate with my brother's friend. We had a scavanger hunt, knocking on doors of our town of 1000. Later we ate spaghetti with our hands tied behind our backs. Kim Drewery's Dad fixed pallates for a living. One cold winter about 12 of us piled on top of eachother on a pallate, and held on for dear life as he pulled us behind his truck. We were freezing, but it was so fun. Benjamin Bickman. What a hottie. I had the biggest crush on him. I was a sophmore, he was a senior. He asked me on a date once and brought me a red rose. I melted. He went on a mission and I dreamt he would miss me. Nope. One of many earth shattering heartbreaks. Oh the agony of heartbreak! I can remember giving boys 'the look'. The look that said, "You are so crazy about me you can't help yourself." I smile. My eyes say, "Too bad you'll never get any closer than this look. I'll be happy to torture you as long as you want to suffer." Oh the evil pleasure of heartbreak!
As fun as all that is, and as unfun as my life is so often now, I'm happy I am here, and not in high school. I am fulfilled in unselfish motherhood. I feel peace in my steady self-betterment. I am wildly in love and have security in its unending warmth. (Now I'm getting cheesy).
Sometimes it's nice to be reminded of the sweet sting of new love.
Speaking of love, mine is gone at work. Mundane, but necessary. I really like eating, so I'm glad he's there. He sure is handsome. He has big lips. You ever notice that? He's nice too, and funny. He picks his nose a lot. He says boogers don't have germs, they're just dirt that got stuck in your nose. He likes playing with the kids and is a sucker when they want a drink at bedtime.
Twilight was good. I may make him watch it with me.


  1. I'm so jealous! I'm not going to be able to see it until Thanksgiving. Highschool days were really fun, but there was all that insecurity that really stunk so I'm with you, married life is definitely better!

  2. I really enjoyed this whole post, it made me smile and think back! I am with both of you, marriage is nice, it is fun to think back but nice to be where we are now.
    I really want to see Twilight too, especially since you say Edward was cuter than he looked! Yea!

  3. I think you should really check the big Reynolds family blog.

    It suits you.

  4. Hi its Emily your cousin. I can't wait to see the movie. I am totally hooked.

  5. I can't wait to see the movie. I've read the first 3 and I'm waiting to read the 4th. My friend and I are going to watch the movie as soon as she finishes the book (she just doesn't know it yet). The whole teenage angst thing totally gets me. When I read the book I felt like a giddy school girl all over again... and I loved it!! And you kissed 8 boys in one night in 1997? I had no idea *** GASP *** :)

  6. oh how I miss you! as soon as I found you on facebook I went home and found your blog. I found it on my first try. I guess I'm a pretty good blog stalker. I meant to leave a comment then, but was too engrossed in your blog and then didn't have time. What a cute family. I so want that recipe for that bread. I do remember that I can only have 4-6 servings of grains while you can have 9-10. :) I'm glad to know that you are still just as crazy. Love you!
