July 30, 2009

my glasses

While at collage, on one of my visits to see my parents, I noticed that my mother's glasses were missing an arm. "It broke off, but I can still wear them!" Sometimes it takes a while to get around to doing stuff. I understand. Well a year later, they still missing an arm! My siblings and I teased her about that for a while. We understand being thrifty but this seemed crazy. I could make many interesting blog posts on the cheapness of my parent's, but I'll save that for another day. But I will tell you, that instead of getting a crown for his tooth, my dad wanted to have the tooth pulled! "This tooth doesn't mean $2000 to me." The only problem was he couldn't find a dentist to do it. They all said it was a bad decision.

My contacts have run out and my last pair are really irritating my eyes. So, I've been wearing my glasses the last two weeks. This morning, Maggie brought me my glasses in two pieces. Of course I scolded her. And then i had to giggle, because "I can still wear them!"

Though, they are crooked.

Making you proud, Mom!


  1. And you can still wear them... just ignore the kids running away from you because you look like an evil librarian with broken glasses. Or Heck--- Just go get a new pair at DI--- I'm sure they'll have a pair that are kinda close to your prescription ... I'm sure they will sorta work.
    Enough already! Go buy some new glasses and they have to cost over $250 and cannot have the coating that tints the lenses in the sun.
    *** wow gotta a little crazy there *** just ignore me

  2. That is so funny because I did the same thing for about six months - I hope you guys are doing great. WE miss you tons! -Jayme

  3. The first Brenda wasn't Mom. This one is. I did NOT wear those like that for a whole year, but it was way to long. That was pretty crazy. Later I rebelled; I bought multi (whatever-not just bifocals)and got titanium frames as well. I'm glad you aren't such a crazy tightwad.
