July 19, 2009

Peach picking

My visiting teacher is the bomb. This month, we went to a peach orchard with my three ya-hoos and picked a bunch of peaches and made peach jam. It was delicious. And it will be delicious all year, or one month depending on how long it takes us to eat these jewels.

Yes, he ate one. And yes, somehow he thinks it's cool to make a face in EVERY picture.
He instructed Maggie to make this face. I must break the cycle or I will have no pictures of any of my children making regular faces and I'll probably forget what they really looked like as small children.
Lucy definitely wanted out of the stroller. We gave her some of the peach and she was hysterical thereafter unless she had a peach in her mouth. That is the strongest testimony of how delicious the peaches were.This is just a bonus picture of my sleeping beauties the next day. This is so frequent an occurrence, but I never tire of seeing them all asleep, all together, jam packed into our car.
Maggie is so lady like.


  1. I'm sure you're SICK of hearing it, but boy oh boy do your kids remind me of my Dad as a kid (I mean Axel here) and the Reynolds clan in general.
    I'm SURE there is some of you in there too. I just have trouble seeing it though the flashbacks I get when I see your kids.

    luvs, aby

  2. Would you like to sell me some of those yummy looking peach jam?

  3. what an awesome picture. the sleeping one. what do you do to them to make them that tired? seriously. we got do stuff all day and my girls don't sleep like that! do you have a secret?

  4. I loooove that last picture. And I am so jealous that you went to pick peaches at a peach farm! So yummy!

  5. Your kids are just so stinkin cute Alisha! Fun to get to peek at them once in awhile. Someone commented that Axel looks like their dad, but I was just thinkin he was looking like YOUR dad!!
