November 9, 2009

2003 Toyota Sienna

We have been looking for a van for a loooong time. Paul's requirements were less than 70,000 miles, my requirements were a Toyota or Honda. Those requirements are difficult to meet on our resident-with-three-kids-and-a-stay-at-home-mom budget. Hence the long time.

But behold, the perfect van
for the Paul Reynolds family.

Being beautiful and stylish was not one of our requirements.

You're saying, 'Alisha, why the excitment? Vans are for old ladies.' And yes, I do feel like an old lady while I'm driving it, but like a peaceful old lady. The children have a hard time touching/hitting/snatching/torturing each other in this new vehicle.
I thought maybe they'd miss all being so close.

But, I asked them, and they unanimously agreed that they didn't miss it at all.

When Paul and I go on dates, we drop the kids off first, and take the van on our date. I have to giggle at us every time. I haven't felt this nerdy since buckteeth, bangs, and granny glasses.


  1. Let me be the first to congratulate you. Not on the van, but from coming a whole heck of long way since the buckteeth, bangs, and granny glasses. Superb!

  2. congrats!! they aren't to stylish, but they definitely get the job done!!

  3. I only wish you would take me out in it. Can you imagine how hot we'd look sipping on some frostees fresh from a Wendy's drive thru in that thing?

  4. I REMEMBER that picture! It must have been hanging on grandma's wall o' grandkids! Cute!
    And congrats on the new van!

  5. Alisha! It's Olivia, Emily Wades little sissy, I would also like to congratulate you on losing your vanity and buying a van, I can't wait till I get to drive a van, & sienna's are legit.

  6. Congrats on the van you guys! Although nerdy...very practical. We may become nerdy here in the near future :)

  7. oh my goodness Beesh I love the picture of all your kiddos sleeping in the van. Too perfect and too precious!
    I don't doubt for one minute that you make the "nerdy mom van" look stylish and hip. If I saw you driving in it, it would make me want one - promise!

  8. Hey Beesh! We might be joining the M.V. movement along with you. We have a third in the oven. Gotta love the octagon glasses.
