February 9, 2010

Oh, the horror

I starting putting the piano back together and discovered that I completely missed part of the piano. You see it when the keys are closed. I obviously didn't know that side showed. Ahhhhh!

So, pause all the plans. Not moving in piano this Saturday probably. I haven't actually cried, but I should have. But you can see that it will look really cool when done... in a while, the weather forecast is cold for quite some time, and I'll need to put on at least three coats of pain. I mean paint.



  1. Oh man! It is going to look SO awesome when it is done though! I am still so impressed that you did a whole piano. Good job!

  2. Bummer! Nothing like finishing up a job to realize that it is not finished. ugh.

  3. WOW, Alisha this is going to be beautiful. I am so inspired by your thriftiness and craftiness. Almost inspired enough to brave a project of my own. Almost. So I guess it would be more like awe than inspiration. You're amazing!

  4. Wowee wow wow wow. I'm so blown away by the piano that I almost don't notice that little part. You are like Bob Vila. But female and FAR more attractive, and a better cook.

    Good luck!

  5. Or... you could just not close it. That is my shortcut for the day:) and why my stuff doesn't look as good as yours:)
