May 19, 2010

Super Update for a Super Long Blog Hiatus

A few things have happened:

1. I am three months pregnant. Not 6. Just wait till I am six months pregnant and see how big I get. You know how I do.
I was telling Paul at dinner that I probably won't be able to do any cool excursions on the cruise because people never let pregnant ladies do anything cool. Axel said, "Mom, maybe they won't even know you're pregnant, they'll just think you ate a lot of food." That's what I'm hoping for.

2. Said pregnancy necessitated 3rd bedroom, which necessitated move, which happened three weeks ago. Our new house is more than a dream come true.

3. Said move was expensive and unexpected which means we cancelled our trip to Ukraine and are now going for a much less expensive but still very exciting cruise to the Caribbean... in a week.
Eastern Caribbean Cruise - St. John's, Antigua
4. Landlord made me uninstall beautiful shelves I put in. Really!!

5. Paul and I turned 30 and are now real bona fide respectable adults.

6. I got a cell phone, and actually LOVE it.
6. Major, super major flooding happened in Nashville. Our basement got a foot,
which we were ok with considering many people in Nashville had a river running through their house. Literally. This was the entrance to my friend's neighborhood. They were on an island for a while.
nashville flooding

It's crazy to recognize most of the places in the youtube video below. It really was a crazy day. And is was Paul's birthday.

I am really proud of my city. There are good people here. I think everyone has shown their true colors through this experience. Countless stories have surfaced about people risking their lives to save someone, usually elderly or disabled, who was stuck in their flooding house.

We did a lot of clean-up. Actually Paul did. I usually was at home with the kids and other people's kids, or making dinner for a family. But there was one day that Paul stayed at home so I could go work. And the destruction was amazing. This street was totally under water. A street I've been on many times. Every house is gutted, no one lives there. Hopefully those people can get FEMA assistance.

I see HVAC systems, drywall, insulation, toilets, kitchen cabinets, furniture in front of homes on almost every street I drive down. I think it'll take a while for the city to clear it all out. Meanwhile, it reminds us that there is still a lot of helping we can do.

On my birthday, I took a few hours off flood relief and finished a bag i started about 2 years ago. Thankfully I still think it's cute.
And I added a big pocket on the back that I wasn't planning on adding 2 years ago. Now I'm ready for the cruise.

I am really craving vegetables, mostly in the form of soup. (My craving for meat thankfully ended a little over a month ago.) I've made roasted red bell pepper soup, borscht, creole tomato soup, carrot dahl soup, carrot-ginger-apple soup, red onion and apple soup with curry, gazpacho, but the latest soup, was a mix of two soups, black bean and butternut squash. Because I was getting back into the blogging spirit, I took a picture of it.

The black bean soup has a lot of bite, and the butternut squash is incredibly buttery, sweet, and creamy (though it has no butter or sugar in it), they are 1+1=3. Ok on their own, but together it feels like a fiesta and facial all at the same time. Just what I need. Not however what Lucy needs. Her diapers the past month have been atrocious.

On that note, I leave you, hopefully not for a month.


  1. Congrats Alisha! I talked to your mom after my graduation and she let me in on the secret :) Be sure to post more pictures of you while you are pregnant. And WOW your hair has gotten l...o...n...g!

  2. I love that you're back to blogging. I had been wondering if you guys had gone on your cruise yet.

    Also, I love that you're pregnant. You always look mega-beautiful in all your incubational glory. It's really not fair but somehow I get over it because you produce really great little people from that lovely belly of yours.

    Oh, and of course, we were so relieved to hear you guys were ok through the flood. I can imagine the pictures don't do it justice and have heard wonderful things about the people of Nashville chipping in. Warms the cockles of my heart strings...sort of like that one picture of you and Paul in front of your glowy Christmas tree.

  3. oftgnjawoihg! This post made me so happy I can't type! Hurray for the upcoming cruise! Hurray for the new house! Hurray for flooding only a little bit! But the biggest HURRAY is for you being pregnant! How did you know my baby was going to need a best-cousin-friend to grow up with!?! So. Excited.

    ps. Also, I LOVE the new bag! Well done Ms. Creative Pants.

  4. Wow, congrats! I cannot believe how many people are pregnant right now. And I don't just mean family and friends, I mean the entire population in general. It kind of blows my mind.

    You've dealt with SO much in the last little bit whilst pregnant. AND it's your fourth - which I don't know about you, but has exhausted me. Anyway, good job with everything!

    luvs, aby

  5. We KNEW it. Congratulations, you guys!!!!

    You've been busy. With the move and flood and bag, I mean. heh heh.

  6. I really enjoy your blog. I've been wondering how you fared the flood and have been checking in to see if you had posted anything. What a delightful family. Thanks for sharing the stories and pictures. The story about the Moose and your little boy made the rounds in my family. And now the story about the belly, excursions, and the food for your cruise. Thanks again for the updates.

  7. holy cow i can't believe you're pregnant! Congrats! Call me sometime 615-945-4636

  8. Hooray for another Reynolds' baby! Congratulations!
