August 9, 2010


So we have a little garden going, mostly we're eating tomatoes, but hopefully in a few months pumpkins too.

This is the dear little pumpkin a few days after I transplanted it into the ground. The first sprouted leaves were so beautiful. I was in love.

Now it's overtaking the little bed I made in the front yard. I still love it.

We have cherry tomatoes which are fine, and abundant, but the really delicious ones are the heirloom tomatoes. We eat them still warm from the sun, sprinkled with kosher salt. They are so juicy, many clothes have gotten stained.

I made this salad to bring to a party last night. The basil is fresh picked too. My first gardening summer is going well. No, the avocados were not grown in our back yard. I'm not that awesome.
This last one is blurry, but so funny. My kids are just like their Dad, they love to sleep, and since I've been married to him, I've learned the goodness of sleeping too. They often fall asleep during sacrament meeting.


  1. I love gardens and I love that last picture - priceless!

  2. I love your tomatoes! I feel like eating one with salt right now!

    And the picture of Paul with the sleeping kids is PRICELESS. I can't wait to see those kids in person! (excited squeal)

  3. I can attest that the last picture is a very accurate representation of the Reynolds at church--and I am so jealous! :) By the way, you should add a picture of your rhubarb pie to this "delicious" post!

  4. I remember telling Jon how well behaved your kids were during sacrament meeting. His response: I know it's like their comatose! Every mormon woman is so jealous of this picture!
