August 6, 2010

Latest projects

So, Axel is getting ready for kindergarten, and one of the things he needs to bring is a blanket with his name on it. Well I wanted to make him something special to snuggle with at school that would maybe feel like a mama's hug. So I told him to look through my fabric and pick out anything he wanted and I'd make him a blanket out of it. Well, he picked out some plain, boring fabric that I really didn't like. So I got out some cool boyish design fabric. He hated all of it. He's very decisive. So I said, pick something else. I hated the other fabric he picked too. So I said, "Let's go to the fabric store and you can pick out whatever you want and we'll make it." At the fabric store, I told him he could pick any fabric he wanted in a certain area. It was the quilting section, and I like almost everything in there. He headed for the blue and white plaid. "Could I have this?" Mayday! Mayday! How could he pick the one ugly fabric? But then I said, let's look at some more. I said, what about this robot fabric? No. How about this frog fabric? No. How about this skull fabric? (I was reaching.) No. How about this red and white stripe? Yes. Hallelujah! Look this fabric has others that coordinate with it. We decided on 6 fabrics that he really liked, and I didn't think were hideous. We decided on a quilt pattern, I made it. He stayed by the machine a lot, very excited and loving the progress, giving me lots of encouragement.
He loves it, and I got to use my new quilting foot for the first time!

And I made some dresses for the girls. I know, they're a little big, but they'll fit next year too... and maybe the year after that. The greatest part of the dresses is that the top orange fabric is actually an old yucky Tshirt of Paul's that had paint splatters on it, and there were just enough clean spots for me to make the bodices out of it. I love upcycling!

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