October 13, 2010

pregnant self

Still 4 weeks until my due date. Next week I start my try-to-have-the-baby-two-weeks-early plan.
I'll let you know if it works.


  1. You look so cute! I have loved all the recent posts. Always entertaining to read! Good luck getting that baby to come early.

  2. I swear you are the cutest pregnant person I know. Here's my have a baby early plan that worked (1st two way overdue, Sophia I really wanted to come early b/c she was due July 16 and we were moving back to TN August 1): 1. Schedule to be induced, 2. Remember how awful it was to be induced with #2 so cancel incuction the day before (24 hour notice, 3. Pray the baby would come early, 4. Have some very nice friends surprise you with lunch out and even getting a babysitter for your other 2 kids, 5. Laugh A LOT at lunch. Contractions started 4 hours later and she was born 1 week early on the day I would have been induced.
    Good luck with getting him to come early!

  3. I don't think Pregnancy has ever suited someone better. You Beauty!

  4. You look great. (I sent you something via email and FB)

  5. I want to know what the plan is. You look fabulous by the way. I wish my bottom and thighs looked that good when I was 8 months pregnant!
