My friend has organized a sip-n-see at my house for this Friday. I'm very excited. With my limited party planning experience I know that an important factor in an elegant table is, levels. I've had this lovely inspiration in my head for a while, and wanted to try it out.

So I went to my favorite Goodwill, bought some plates and cups; mine is much more simple, but only cost me $4 and will store away nicely.
It's almost as good as the inspiration and only took me 30 minutes of finding, and 30 minutes of making. I imagine it with cupcakes. Maybe I can do something Christmasy with it. Hmmmmm.
I also had a little craft trade with a friend of mine. She made me an excellent sac person for Axel's birthday, and I made her daughter some pants.
And because I know you all just really want to see more pics of Boone....
OOOhh! I love the pictures of lucy holding boone. OOOhhh. I love them!!!
You amaze me woman! When are you going to get your own craft show cause I so would watch that!
I talked to your hubs the day Boone was born and let me tell ya, that guys got a monster-sized crush on you. I do too. Way to go having such a good looking baby. Especially those kissy-cheeks.
Lucy and Reagan have the same haircut! You know what that means...they are suppose to be best-cousin friends. Get your fannies back here to Vegas so we can start working on that! Love you and miss you!!!
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