November 6, 2011

No rest for the seamstress

I had a dream that I was sewing.  As if I don't do that enough when I'm awake.  Why wasn't I dreaming about swimming in crystal water, or of getting a massage, or even of using my table saw?

Another weird thing: the dream was exactly like real life.  I wasn't above myself watching myself.  I didn't fast forward.  I didn't watch double speed.  I didn't have super human skills.  I just sewed.  The only thing different than real life, was that there were no children needing my constant attention.  They were in bed asleep.  Actually nocturnal sewing happens a lot too.

I laid out the fabric perfectly square and smooth.
I found my pattern pieces.
I laid out the pieces so as to use the least amount of fabric.
I pinned all the pieces about 6 inches apart around all edges.
I cut.
I unpinnned.
I refolded the pattern pieces exactly in their original fold pattern, and put them in the envelope.
I pinned pieces together.
Sewed them together.
Serged the seams.
Ironed the seams.
pinned those pieces together.
sewed new seams.....

Then the dream ended, like a slow fade.  To show that the work continued even after you were done watching.  The dream seemed to take FOREVER.  It was like I wasn't in bed sleeping, I was pulling an all-nighter to get a project done.  I think that's why I was so disheartened upon waking.  It's like I was doing my jobs in my sleep when I should be using the time to live out fantasies.  

What does this say about my character?

1 comment:

  1. bahahahaha! I was dreaming about making bread the other day. Talai had me up 5 times that night. I layed back down at 7am and started having the dream. the bread rose in 5 seconds and then I started on cinnamon rolls. I was so excited for the cinnamon rolls in my dream. Then Talai started crying at 7:20. bummer! No cinnamon rolls for me. Just an adorable crying baby. So very sad. Maybe your dream just says that sewing without interruption is your fantasy!
