January 22, 2012

If only this were still available in July....

2500 PALOMINO Ln, Las Vegas, NV 89107
2500 PALOMINO Ln, Las Vegas, NV 891072500 PALOMINO Ln, Las Vegas, NV 89107
2500 PALOMINO Ln, Las Vegas, NV 89107
2500 PALOMINO Ln, Las Vegas, NV 89107


  1. oh boy...we would come visit for sure!!

  2. Wow! What a cool place! You guys will find something just as awesome that IS available in July.

  3. I agree with sar! you'll find what's right for you guys. But I have to disagree with the youngs, cuz no matter what you guys find, there's no way I'll be visiting you ever! Oh wait... I only think about you living closer to me like everyday and you could get sick of me visiting.

  4. Are you moving to Las Vegas in July???

    That is FANTASTIC news! I just happened to check your blog tonight and I must admit...that is great.
