March 13, 2012

Imagine Dragons

came to Nashville.  They even stayed with us.  They were so nice to my super eager children.  One showed Maggie how to write his name.  They anxiously watched as Maggie showed how high she could throw her pillow pet in the air.  It went on for hours.  I tried to distract her, but she LOVED them being around.  The band was so kind to their tiny little fans.  Truly impressive people.

Before we left the house I was feeling tired and wondering if I would be able to fully appreciate the music.  We got there, we chatted during the opener, who had a lovely voice.  But when the band took the stage, I got a little zing of energy.  I do love their music.  They are so good live.  

See that enormous drum?  That drum is so booming, your heart wants to stop its own rhythm and adopt what it's feeling.

When they played radioactive, it was more than I hoped for.  Let's leave it at that.  It was an excellent 3 minutes.  To be remembered for much longer.
Do you see the passion?  The music makes you feel very alive.

The crowd cheered so loud and relentlessly for the encore, it made me proud of Nashville.

Seriously, you should see them in a town near you.  You will be so pleased with your choice.

1 comment:

  1. How I wish they would come to a town near me. Why isn't KC getting any love? My house is very umimpressive but it's door is certainly open to any Imagine Dragons that wish to walk through it. My children would be so totally star struck, it would be hilarious!

    luvs, aby

    PS - I might be a bit star struck too. ;)
