March 21, 2012

This afternoon, while I was eating my lunch, looking out the window, I was struck by how beautiful the scene was.  Then I opened the window, and heard birds singing to me.  I will miss the view of my neighbors house.  Do Dogwoods grow in Las Vegas?

Every spring I am overwhelmed by the beauty, 
 and the perfume.

I always say to myself that I must live in heaven.
I should take pictures. 
The trees bloom for so short.
I should capture them in photo.
So after school, we went on a walk down our street.
Naming flowers to each other.
flying helicopters,
smelling everything.
I was pleased by that my children love the flowers just as much as I do.
And I couldn't help but think, 
that God loves us, to give us such beauty
to make us cheerful.
He could've made all the birds sound like crows.
The fact that they sing joyfully to us, 
makes me know God loves to spoil us.
And hopefully, when the blooming time is over,
I will remember the flowers
and be patient for the next season,
and be thankful that I can remember them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love your post. It is so beautiful! So very beautiful! God does love us. Thanks for the little spiritual uplift!
