December 19, 2012

Ta Da!

My outdoor table is finally complete.  The only sad thing is that it wasn't a one woman show.  I hired some work out!  I am sad inside that I did it.  I won't be doing it again, because, quite frankly, I think I could have done a better job.

But this post is about celebration, so lets not dwell on the imperfections.

The table top is 1.5 inch thick maple wood.  I paid to have someone join the boards together to make the table top, because I didn't have all the tools necessary to do a good job.  In future, I'll buy the tools.  Because I love tools and I love having skills.

It's 9 feet long.  I sanded it for about 14 hours.  There are 5 coats of outdoor polyurethane on there.

The legs are made from black pipe - intended for gas pipes.  This was the easiest and, surprisingly  most expensive part of the table.

This is my Christmas present this year.  It is all I wanted, and Paul let me have it, and my wants are satiated - for the moment! (I have been thinking about a really great bench I want to make with caning at the back support.)

Bring on birthday parties in the backyard with 15 extra kids!

Bring on having a family over for dinner and having a place for everyone to sit - and not on the couch.

Bring on the inevitable shoving that will occur when the children are getting in each other's space on the bench.

Bring on spraying off the cement and not worrying about water damage to the table legs. (You can see I need to spray it off now.)

Bring on weather changes and hope my table top can take it.

We had a our dining room table outside until about a month ago.  And we loved it.  We love eating outside every meal.  We were even tough through the 100+ degree weather, and loved eating outside.  So I could with confidence go to the expense and hassle of bringing this beauty into our lives.  And the best news of all - I think I'll have more people in my little family to warrant such a monstrously large piece of furniture!


  1. Awesome! I love your table. I can see many happy years ahead with all of you around it. You go, girl!

  2. it's done! can't wait to eat at it when we see you next week! It's lovely and I can't belive you sanded for 15 hours. uggh! but it's very awesome and you're so talented. ps- did you get that picture from mato? Do you want our chairs? I'm trying to throw them away or something, but Mato likes them. Also, I'm so glad it wasn't poop in the carpet.

  3. Love this table! It is gorgeous and I share your love of eating outside. We only do in the summer though, snow and that cold Idaho wind deter us through the winter months. I would love a table on my back porch.

    Is that an announcement? If so, Congrats!!! You make beautiful children. I love your Christmas card, it just makes my heart so happy.
