October 5, 2008

I was in the basement watching and enjoying conference and the kids were messing around upstairs. Suddenly I notice that all was quiet upstairs and I'd remembered hearing Maggie drag a chair into the kitchen a few minutes earlier. One of two possibilities could have occurred: 1 - Maggie had gotten into the cookies and eaten all 12 of them. 2 - Maggie got bored of the kitchen and had fallen asleep. She was really tired because she went to a sleep study last night where they analyzed her sleeping (we think she has sleep apnea and needs her tonsils removed). Anyway she got less sleep than usual and she was tired. It is not uncommon for Maggie to fall asleep randomly if she is left alone. Usually I find her in her bed, or Axel's top bunk, or on the floor. However, I was pretty certain she'd eaten all the cookies and was revelling that Mom was busy and hadn't found her. Muahahaha.
Please scroll down to see how I found her.

Option 1 and 2 happend. Besides being horrifyingly dangerous for Maggie to fall asleep on the stove, it's also pretty cute. I really do watch my kids.

She was covered in snickerdoodle crumbs.


  1. I love it! I am really looking forward to finding Kate asleep in an unusual place! I think it is so funny and so sweet too!

  2. Capri had to have her tonsils out as well when she was 2, she snored like a DEMON! When they took her tonsils (and adenoids) out the doc said he was shocked she could breathe through her nose at all. They were so HUGE. Now she is completely silent when she sleeps.
    luvs, aby

  3. Oh, that is too funny. I'm glad you found her before she rolled off!! I bet she was exhauseted after all those cookies too! Good luck with getting her sleep apnea treated!

  4. Hey Beesh, too cute! I don't blame her...I'd do it too for snicker doodles. Is that the same kitchen from when I visited?!

  5. how cute is that? is she sleeping any better these days?? are you still in nashville?? we are only 4 hours away in indianapolis. we should meet somewhere and do something!!
