October 2, 2008


Lucy has been exhibiting some strange abilities: she can levitate herself and objects. I brought her into a specialist to have her analyzed.
Now, if I can only get her to levitate herself to me for the 4:00 a.m. feeding.


  1. ok, really what is she wearing? it could become the new style you know...

  2. Why are you watching Lucy's brain activity? She looks so cute and levitation-y.

  3. OK, this post is ENTIRELY unfair. You CANNOT post a tiny ADORABLE baby in a get-up like that without telling us what is going on!! We will all be sitting around, NAY pacing around till we know that little Lucy is ok.
    luvs, aby

  4. lucy is big! i didn't even recognize her. and seriously, what the heck is on her head?

  5. just to satisfy curiousity. alisha is shamelessy exploiting our little girl for the sake of science and a $20 gift card to Target. She signed Lucy up for some study at Vanderbilt... something about baby's development (yawn.)
