The beginning of April I made a flower bed where 'grass' was. It took me all morning, but the soil was good, and the location - right near the door we always come in. I love flowers, but have never grown any, except bulbs.
Two and a half months later, we have a whole bunch of flowers. I used a package of mixed wildflowers that attract butterflies and bees. This children are at this moment trying to construct a butterfly catcher, despite my arguments that butterflies are best enjoyed when they are free. I don't really think they can catch one, so I'm not too upset.The jungle view. We have a little baby rabbit who likes to hang out a midst the flowers. He's pretty cute. Cuter than the chipmunks who make endless holes in the yard.
We keep getting new flowers blooming. It's like a surprise. We have little pink poppies
and white flowers I don't know the name of and cornflowers in blue purple and pink
and lots of buds about to open. The kids watch them every day and we learn the names together. The flower we are on the edge of our seats about, is the sunflower. There are a few of them, but this one is as tall as me and every day gets a little close to blooming.
My chamomile has finally sprouted. I had given up on it. I planted the seeds a month ago. Hopefully they make it to flower and then into my tea!
In the front I planted gladiolus bulbs.
It took forever for the green to pop up. Then a friend told me that she planted gladiolus and she got the green, but the flowers never showed up all season. We've had the green for so long and no flowers I was starting to worry. The green leaves are about 4 feet tall, and we just got our first flowers. I called every one to the front yard to show them.
I am soooo excited to see the colorful mass when they all bloom.
In the back at the edge of the property are beautiful Rose of Sharon trees. The problem is that the honeysuckle has grown so big that it blocks out the sun and makes it hard for the trees to put out new growth. So I got the pruner and a saw and the kids helped drag it down to to the street. Wow. That's a lot of honeysuckle.
The woman who originally owned the house, and from whose son we now rent, planted three different kinds of Rose of Sharons.
I'd like to think she's looking down from heaven, pleased that we are enjoying her trees. And all her yard. Hope she likes the roses more than the needles-in-your-eye-pokey bush.
Alisha! Just found a couch I want to recover and thought of you. How is the Crypton holding up? I just may use that if it still has your blessing. -Em Pehrson
It does. You should. I think it's the only upholstery I'll every use now. Very exciting. Please email me any questions. I love that you're reupholstering a couch!!
Wow. I love the wild flowers! You inspire me. As soon as I have a plot of ground to call my own, I'm planting. I bet your landlord is loving how you guys make the house look so beautiful.
And I just have to say. The word verification I have to type in to leave this comment is "ovaries."
I am woman, hear me roar.
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