July 27, 2011

In high school my sister started saying 'shedule' instead of 'skedule'.  Like the British version.  It was one of many many funny sayings she had in high school.  I thought it was so great I started saying it in college.  And have continued.  Well now it's become a habit, but it still makes me smirk and laugh to myself.  The funny thing, is that my kids don't know that's the silly way to say it.

Axel:  Mom, can you shedule in going to the park today?

I tried to explain to him that he should smirk when he says shedule or people will think he's a ninny.  He didn't get it.  So I smirk for him and it's even funnier than when I say it.


  1. Beesh- I just caught up on your blog....love it. love it all and by george I love you! I was nicknamed garth algar in high school by my friend...just so you know. classic. also..i just bought a bushel of peaches and was wondering if you would share that peach syrup and jam recipe. I'm so excited myself! i wish i lived near you so that you could teach me your crafty ways. i still think about your sexy picture and that I need to make one!

  2. i am hoping you'll post something soon. miss you all
