September 12, 2011

Update, phone camera, sorry

Lots of yardwork.  Boone's my helper.

my pumpkins are doing great!  I planted three kinds.



Jack Be Little

I hope they make it.  The packages say they'll take 3-3.5 months, so hopefully we'll get pumpkins before Halloween.  Or if not, I think I can keep the frost away until Thanksgiving.  This is what the pumpkins looked like August 8th.  The pumpkins are the plants in the ground.  The herbs in pots have been moved because...


the pumpkins have gone huge.

You can see they're in the shade, and every day they get less and less sun.  And this year I've learned the hard way that plants producing food from flowers need 8-12 hours of sun to really produce.  These get 2-4!!!! 

But I still have hope.

Lou turned 3.

We had a whale party, inspired by the excellent outfit Gramma Tena sent.

Boone is still cute.

So is Lou.

The Farm food is still coming.  We love it.

We went fishing.  Paul has a summer assignment to catch one fish.  The first trip we didn't catch anything.  But the second trip we used real worms and caught a little tiny fish.  But it was enough to count.

Axel participated in a study and earned $25!  His adult teeth are coming in just like mine did.

We visited the Reynolds clan.

We visited the Durtschi clan and Temple square,

where I became enchanted by this flower, new to me: Lisianthus.  Looks like a rose and loves heat.  Perfect.

But my still favorite flower is zinnias, for their excellent color and ease of growing.  I love bringing them in the house.

The girls always insist we get the car cart at Kroger (it's the Southern Smith's for you Westerners).  This time they fell asleep.

I made an apron for a bridal shower gift.  It was paired with Reddi whip and chocolate sauce.

Oh ya, I chopped my hair.  And am not good about cleaning the bathroom.

Picked and bottled all these peaches.  Note to self: white peaches are not good for canning.  Choose the red havens.

Boone is still REALLY cute.

Made this dress for a baby shower.  It was so cute, I had to try it on Boone.  It fit.  But he was so mad in it, which made made Paul proud and he refused to let me photo Boone in it. Too bad, you would've like to see it.

Paul is not abusing Anesthesia drugs; this is how happy he is to be 10 months away from finishing residency.

School has started.

Girls are doing 'mom school'.

YMCA membership is being used again.  (I completed my summer assignment of running 4 miles in 32 minutes)

Schedule has been resumed.

I love schedules.

But the most exciting thing, is I'm finally being ok with living in Las Vegas.  Which is a major event, because I've been trying to be ok with it for the entire 8 years of our marriage.  Mainly its ok because my husband is so perfect for me.  It always amazes me that when I'm really upset, he can make me feel better.  You'd think I'd be used to it now, after 8 years, but it still surprises me.  I think I'm so upset, there's no way out of it.  And somehow there's a way out of it, and he knows what it is.  Amazing.

Maybe in not too much time Vegas will feel like my home.


  1. 2 Things...First, I am so happy to have been the recipient of the adorable bloomer and top set that Boone didn't love. I just know my little gal with think it is the bomb! The mushroom fabric is way too cute! Secondly, I love Vegas and I think you will too. We will come to visit, for sure.

  2. I'm holding you to that. For real.

  3. I always come away feeling like I want to go outside and get good and sweaty doing some hardcore gardening. I just need to get myself a backyard. I have to agree with a lot of things you said--I am slowly but surely coming around to the idea of Vegas, and I do feel like it will take years to do that. But Harry always magically helps me to stop flipping out about it. And that is so nice.

