June 17, 2009

Cute stuff the kids say

Grandma: Axel, are you a sunbeam or a CTR?
Axel: A CPR.

Mama: Maggie, what did you do at church?
Maggie: Jesus want me for a sun-BEEP!

Dad: Axel, look at that crazy lightning. It's really pretty, huh?
Axel: No, I don't like it. It looks like the earth is breaking.
Axel: Dad, where did my cookie go?
Dad: Oh, was that yours? I just saw it sitting around and thought it was mine, so I ate it.
Axel: Oh, good! I intended for you to eat it.
Lucy: DADA!

Mama: Axel, your voice sounds funny. Do your tonsils feel ok?
Axel: They feel like strawberries that have been left out for too long.

While Alisha is changing Maggie's diaper:
Maggie: No Shucy [Lucy]! My poopoo!

By the way... our kids are TOUGH.


Aby Runyan said...

Yikes, what happened to Maggie?

luvs, aby

The Lewis Family said...

what happened?

Alisha said...

Maggie fell off a chair and split her finger wide open, and Axel fell off the sink and busted his scalp wide open. They were both incredibly brave. Realy. They were both calm as a summer meadow by the time I got my three littles strapped into their carseats. The nurses etc. didn't think they were hurt that bad until they saw the injury; they were impressed. No one said it but I could tell they were thinking 'this is the toughest kid we've ever seen in here', 'she must be the greatest mother ever'. Now that I know how tough they are, I'm teaching them that it's not cool to scream and throw fits when you hit your shoulder on a corner, or if your sibling steps on your toe. If that works, I'm writing a book.

mmdd said...

I love those quotes! "I intended for you to eat that" is absolutely, without hesitation...an Axel quote. I'm laughing...