June 1, 2008

A few randoms

Louisa/Lucy/Lou is a great sleeper.

I took the kids on errands with me and we shopped till they dropped.
One of the few times she has had her eyes open. She is still just sleeping and eating, eating and sleeping.
Paul told me he would get up and take care of Axel and Maggie so I could sleep in. I heard thumping and noisy toys followed by, "Axel, don't jump on me I'm trying to sleep." After about 20 minutes of that, all was quiet upstairs. Which made me nervous enough to investigate. I found Paul sleeping on the couch, and decided that a man this tired deserves to sleep in. I gave him Lucy so he wouldn't have to feel guilty about it.
Sometimes it's easier to see what someone looks like in video, so we took a little one of Lucy.


Aby Runyan said...

Ok, so she already looks EXACTLY like your other kids - who look EXACTLY like a combination of Coulter and Alisha. This is weird because I had been under the impression that Paul was the daddy.
I'm sure you'll have quite a discussion about this.
Congrats again, she is a cutie-patootie-pie!
luvs, aby

Paul said...

HA HA, Aby, you are hilarious. Yes, I'll admit that Axel looks a lot like the younger Coulter.

McEwen Family said...

I love the photo of all 3 kids asleep in the car...now taking 3 kids out shopping is brave...I can't even imagine doing that. I still have lots to learn as you can see. But congrats again on your newest addition, she is precious. I enjoyed the video.

Mr. and Mrs. Corbett said...

Wow Paul!! You have a beautiful family!!

Emily said...

Alisha the Awesome (and I'm not just talking about how good looking you are either. You're also an awesome mom. And painter. And tiler (or however your refer to someone who tiles, which I can not believe you were doing at 8 months prego. Awesome. Awesome.) I am so excited that we'll get to see you guys in August. When Paul told me the dates you guys will be in town, I about fell over. Of all the days in August, how did we manage to pick the same week to be in Vegas? Must be the awesome cousin-telepathic-magic we've got going on. Can't wait to see ya!
