February 9, 2011


Today while returning from the kitchen to my lunch at the table, Lucy had just popped in her mouth a green olive from my salad and was looking very guilty. What kind of kid loves green olives so much she steals them when she thinks no one is looking? What a good girl.

Paul and I were able to go to the temple this morning and it was just what I needed.

While there I noticed that my arm sleeve seam is ripping out!? Does that mean my arms are bigger than they were 9 years ago? Is it all the muscles from carrying 4 children?

I am reminded of the temple dress I want to make for myself, saw it on Jennifer Lopez a year ago, and can't get it off my mind. Of course mine would be longer.

Isn't it gorgeous!!!!!

If I had a dress like this, I would definitely be at the temple once a month. Don't know if that should make me feel wicked, or just really pleased that I'm finding ways to make meeting our monthly goal easier.

On the way to the temple I continued embroidering a dress I am making for Maggie for Valentine's Sunday. It will be beautiful, and of course I will post pics when it's done.

Made some quilts for the girls out of this
Waverly fabric. I, however, got it at Walmart for a dollar a yard. What a shopper! We have this incredible lady at our Walmart who used to own a fabric store, and knows how to order excellent fabric. This bolt had a slight deformity in inking. So slight you can't see it unless I point it out to you. I am holding off on posting pics until I get their cute pillows made.

Because it was such a good price and I wasn't sure what i was going to do with it, I bought the whole bolt, which I think was 15 yards. I only used 4 for their quilts. What will I do with the rest? I think I'll make some quilts to donate. Spread the blessings.

Be good.


sallyavena said...

I just love your rambling posts. It's like a conversation instead of a journal entry. Can't wait to see your craftiness...

Aby Runyan said...

Why don't you whip one of these out for me too while you're at it? Come on, you know you want to. Cause yes it's gorgeous, and you'll rock the Temple when you're there.
Does that sound bad?
No, I don't think so.

luvs, aby

The Lewis Family said...

that dress is to die for!